Project stakeholders


Greater Nancy

With the opening of Nancy spring 2023, Greater Nancy is making a major comeback in the circle of French thermal spa towns.

After a clinical study prompting the French National Academy of Medicine to issue a favourable opinion approving rheumatology in 2014, and four years of works, Nancy has reconnected with its thermal history dating back to the beginning of the 20th century.

Nancy Thermal embodies Greater Nancy's ambition to restore the pride of a modern and attractive thermal city. This new venture marks a new impetus for the attractiveness of the area with an identity focussed on wellness, a quieter pace of life, quality and local tourism.

Due to its exceptional location at the heart of Greater Nancy, Nancy Thermal benefits from the presence of the University of Lorraine, Nancy Regional University Hospital (one of the TOP 5 best hospitals in France), Lorraine Institute of Physiotherapy Training, health schools and private medical practitioners and healthcare professionals. 

With this comprehensive thermal offering, Greater Nancy positions itself as the leader of an ecosystem which extends to the Greater Region of Europe, combining a host of political, economic, socio-professional stakeholders invested in developing the thermal dynamic and placing it into the DNA of the area.

La Banque des Territoires [Caisse des Dépôts]

La Banque des Territoires [Caisse des Dépôts] a une mission générale d’accompagnement des projets des collectivités locales tant en ingénierie, en financement qu’en investissement en fonds propres.

Nancy Thermal est un équipement ambitieux et structurant d’envergure nationale qui met notamment en lumière l’excellence des filières de santé du territoire. Il se positionne non seulement comme le plus grand centre thermal en milieu urbain mais offre également aux habitants du Grand Nancy l’accès à un pôle aquatique moderne et qualitatif.

Le soutien à ce projet s’inscrit en pleine cohérence avec les axes stratégiques de la Banque des Territoires en faveur de l’attractivité économique, touristique et résidentielle des territoires ainsi que la structuration d’une offre qualitative en matière de thermalisme et de bien-être.

La Banque des Territoires s’engage donc aux côtés de la Métropole du Grand Nancy et de Valvital dans la SEM Grand Nancy Thermal Développement à hauteur de 10% du capital social. Cet engagement conforte les partenariats déjà développés, tant avec la Métropole qu’avec Valvital, et met en évidence le caractère d’intérêt général de cet équipement magnifiquement rénové.

Compagnie Européenne des Bains / ValVital

The Compagnie Européenne des Bains / ValVital Group has been a significant stakeholder in French balneotherapy for over three decades.

Valvital has been welcoming people to take the waters to relieve pain, improve daily life and manage their health for over 30 years.

Its natural, non-invasive thermal medicine provides comprehensive care of medical conditions, placing equal importance on both prevention and pain relief.

Created in 1989 by Bernard Riac, the Group specialises in managing thermal centres, thermal spas, holiday and hotel residences in order to provide a comprehensive experience to its clients and people taking the waters.


Région Grand Est

The Région Grand Est has supported the Nancy Thermal project to the sum of €5 million.

With thermal resorts and facilities, spas, thermal leisure centres and other wellness spaces, the Grand Est climbed to 4th place of the top thermal regions of France with no fewer than eight resorts in the region.

With its strategic border position, medical care and fitness, and offerings for all four seasons of the year, the Wellness and Balneotherapy sector is integral to tourism in the Grand Est.


Project designers

Architectures Anne Démians

With a degree from the National School of Architecture of Versailles, Anne Démians started up her first practice in 1995. Ten years later, she established Architectures Anne Démians which now has 30 employees.

Her commitment to architecture, and her work, led Anne Démians to be elected, in June 2021, as a member of the Architecture section of the Academy of Fine Arts of the Institute of France (Architecture de l’Académie des beaux-arts de l’Institut de France). She was the first female to be awarded a seat alongside Jacques Rougerie, Aymeric Zublena, Alain Charles Perrot, Dominique Perrault, Jean-Michel Wilmotte, Marc Barani, Bernard Desmoulin and Pierre-Antoine Gatier.

Agence Chabanne - Architecture et ingénierie

Chabanne has been founded on the transfer of knowledge and sharing of experience for more than 50 years. Consisting of 130 architects and engineers, Agence Chabanne’s added value lies in the network of skills and the combination of different vocations for a global responsible perspective towards projects. Each year, over 20 project managers entrust Chabanne with their projects in France and abroad.

Bouygues Bâtiment Nord-Est

A global stakeholder in construction, Bouygues Bâtiment Nord-Est designed, builds and operates structures contributing to the improvement of quality of life.

An affiliate of Bouygues Construction, the company benefits from the technical and human resources of a large group, combined with the localness of a regional stakeholder. Focussed on sustainable and responsible construction, it’s day-to-day commitment is to promote subcontracting locally, to give everybody a chance of returning to or starting work and to contribute to the development of local social, societal and economic life.